Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jack-isms Volume II

Daddy: "You need to be good for your mommy tomorrow on the airplane and help with Sammy because you are a big boy. It isn't a really long flight like home from Okinawa, it is short, like only two hours."

Jack: “yeah, I hated that flight from okinawa because it was very very long and I was like, busting out!”


as I return in the house from getting the diaper bag from the car, I see a little Indian boy in front of me running down our apartment hall calling out to his friend, a name that starts with S but I'm not sure what it was. Jack ALWAYS thinks that these people are talking to him through the walls...

I walk in the door.

Jack, hands on hips, "Mommy! That Jap-nese boy just called me STUPID again!"

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