Thursday, November 13, 2008

An attempt to take Christmas Card Pictures...unsuccessful attempt

My brother used to wear these smocks when he was their ages. Jack's is a little high water but I still think they are really cute. Keith is not so much a fan of them at all. My mom hand stitched all the patterns on the front. Pretty appropriate that Sam's is a train seeing as though one of his favorite things to say is "choo choo".

Have yet to even come close to getting a good picture of both of them. Can I just get a good picture of each on and splice them together? That is A LOT more likely!


Meve & Co. said...

My brother wore those smocks favorite one had Noah's ark on it. Yes- put 2 good pics together on one of those double image cards! That may be our plan too!

Aziletx said...

I have GOT to find the Christmas picture(s) I took of you and Shane at about this age. (Yes, in matching smocked outfits!!) Alicia is dutifully sitting on a chair smiling at the camera and Shane is off running down the hill.

Anonymous said...

Beever, those smocks are scary...