Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Many Benefits of Having your Child Watch TV

Sam fell down the stairs yesterday. All of the ones at my parents house, which is about 17 stairs. He climbed all the way up to get a toothbrush, then fell all the way down. It was quite a bit stressful. Jack saw him do it, I was in the kitchen making Jack a sandwich. Jack definitely cried more than Sam did. Sam was fine in about one minute (we even got a very expensive CAT scan of his head to prove it). Jack cried a lot more than Sam did.

So, last night, after we had returned from the ER and life had settled down, I was putting Jack to bed. We read a book called "How are you Peeling?" that talks all about feelings. Afterward, I said to Jack, "Jack, how did it make you feel today when Sam fell down the stairs?"

He sat there very quietly thinking, and then he said "Apprehensive."

He's four.

I said "Jack, how do you even know that word?"

He said "Pinky Dinky Doo says it, mommy."

So there you go. TV CAN teach your child something too!

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