Thursday, July 29, 2010

Six Flags over Georgia

Ridin' the Airplanes

Smiling Sam

What is going on here? Is this supposed to be Jesus? This really freaked me out.

Jack waiting in line

Jack riding on the freaky carousel

Shane and Jack in front of us in their old timey car. Little did they know...

...this dude was following them, with his mother who was paying little to no attention and would soon slam into them, much to the disgust of the attendants of the ride.

Boys on the flying swings. Probably really a blessing to get some air since it was about 90% humidity.

Sam checking out Thomas the Tank Engine's Station master. We were first in line for Thomas.

Thomas himself

Jack and Sam riding on Annie.

Shane. I mean, he could be hanging out on a nice cool day at this point! We should have taken after photos of how great we must of looked then.

1 comment:

nmazzola said...

1. Who the HECK is "Joven" and is that person stalking you?

2. I just about DIED on the spot when I saw the supposed Jesus figure making out with some random. I found that quite disturbing as well.

Awesome posts girl! I love all of the fish photos too!