Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Pink and White House

Keith says that I never have any pictures of Jack on this blog.

Is it Jack's fault that he is four and thus doesn't mess up everything and wreak havoc on all areas of our lives 24 hours a day? Well, I guess not :-)

I will definitely have to take some good ones of him, too.

And, that kid does make a lot of messes.

Lately, Jack is into this other "family" that he has at what he calls "the pink and white house." We are really not really sure how this came about. But now, it is a very popular topic for him to want to talk about. He frequently tells strangers about his "other mom and dad." We like to let them let their imaginations run wild with the possibilities.

This mother, named Annie, and the father, named Ethan, really seem to have a lot of kids. The number fluctuates, but there are two brothers named Jack also, one older, one younger. There is at least one sister, named Claire, that he talks about fairly often.

He will see things and say "Oh we have one of these at my pink and white house!" or "I went to see this movie with Annie and Ethan!". It is really quite strange.

Recently I told him that we were talking about Annie and Ethan and his other family quite a lot, and it was beginning to hurt my feelings, so I didn't want to talk about them anymore. He said, very pragmatically, "Well, okay mommy, I will put my other mommy and daddy in jail for you!"

He has also come up with another solution that is quite clever, he doesn't' have PARENTS over at the pink and white house anymore, he only has a babysitter. Now, that CAN'T possibly, hurt my feelings, right?

Well, whatever. Like Keith and I have said all along, wherever Annie and Ethan reside, they certainly aren't pulling their parenting weight. We certainly seem to have this child with us a LOT more frequently than they do.


Shane B. said...

hahahaha..the hessers?

Sarah, Blake, Evan, Julia said...

That's too funny. I love that his brothers are also named Jack. I'm sure his active imagination means he is extremely intelligent ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hello there Willefords! I can only hope that we, (the Fontenot's) are the other people who live in the "pink and white house", are "Annie/Babysitter" with the "Older Jack" and the "Younger Jack", that he is talking about. I miss him so much and check on the blog to see what he is up to. He colors this world we live in. Thank you for letting us be a part of his life.
Miss Anne from Okinawa