I need to get some Disney pictures up, but hopefully I will soon. I managed to forget my camera to BOTH children's Christmas programs. Mom of the year! However, my children still seem to be surviving.
Jack told Keith today in the car that he can't wait until we die because then he will be able to do whatever he wanted because we would no longer tell him what to do. He doesn't, of course, realize how mean that is to say, though we tried to tell him. He said in response, "Well, Dad, You will definitely die first because you are 30 and we are only 5 and 2." Let's all hope that is very true for the both of us!
Keith really enjoys antagonizing Jack, which I'll admit is not terribly hard. One thing he does that really bothers Jack is answer "Your face!" to everything. We were in the car (again) and Jack was naming a bunch of countries and saying he was going to paint them ("Paint Nigeria!" "Paint Haiti!" "Paint Chile!" I have no idea how he knows about all this stuff. He got really annoyed when I said Antarctica because MOM IT IS NOT CONTINENTS!). Keith says to him "Can I please just say 1?" And Jack says "NO DADDY! Because I know you are going to say Paint Your Face!" And the sad part is that if you know Keith at all, he probably was, and he even admitted that he had considered it.
Keith went to volunteer in Jack's class the other day and the job he got was to laminate these pages that the kids wrote that said "Christmas is about __________" and then they fill it in and draw a picture. He wrote "love" and then drew a picture of all of our stockings that said Mom Dad Jack Sam. It was really cute and he said maybe some of the things we tell them actually get through. Keith also went to lunch with Jack's class and said two of the boys kept asking him "Are you Jack's brother?"
Sam is also a little bit bad lately. A little bad is an understatement, but whatever. He has taken to asking as soon as we get in the car "Are we there yet?" Then he repeatedly asks you "Where we GOIN'?" and "Are we there yet?" the whole way to your destination.
He told his teachers at school that he really wanted Santa to bring him a car, a truck and a muffin.
He saw this Santa the other day in the dry cleaners and he told me "MOMMY, I really think that Santa want to tell me Merry Kiss-mas!"
He also saw a Smart Car and told me "Mommy, this car is tiny. The other cars is big. Why is this tiny?" It always makes me amazed where they pick up some of these words. I really don't feel like I use the word "Tiny". Maybe Wow Wow Wubbzy and Dora 'splore can be credited with something around here.
Merry Christmas to all!