Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jack-isms Volume 1

We are outside playing with sidewalk chalk. Jack draws the above snowman.

Jack: Let's play teacher

Me: OK

Jack: Find green chalk and draw a triangle... find yellow chalk and drawn a circle... find white chalk and write dewy (yeah, no idea)... find blue chalk and draw a snowman like mine.

Waits patiently while I fill his commands.

Jack: Your snowman doesn't have legs, a ha ha ha ha.

Me: Wow, real encouraging, teacher.


Jack (walking toward the dinner table): My leg armpits are sweaty!

Poppy: Your what?

Jack: My LEG armpits (pointing and looking at me dramatically, as if to say "Is this guy an idiot?")


In Old McDonalds drive thru ~

Alicia: One six piece chicken nuggets and one four piece chicken nugget happy meal, please.

Jack (bordering on full meltdown mode) whining LOUDLY: BUUUUUUUUT I WANT FFFFFIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEE

Alicia (rolling up the window): Jackson, you will not have a fit or you will eat exactly none of the chicken nuggets and I will eat all of them. I am absolutely not going to listen to you freak out over this.

Jack (stopping immediately but still struggling, tears streaming down his face): Okay mommy, I'll try to take a deep breath.

1 comment:

Aziletx said...

did you forget the part where they gave him TWO Happy meals by mistake on this same Old McDonald's trip????