Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still No Dice on the "MaMa"

So Sam has been speaking his very favorite word about 24/7 since his birthday, and that is "Hi!" He says it to passing trucks especially, as well as any human staring at him, as well as to the sound of the doorbell chime on our front door, as well as any time he darn well pleases. He also waves in an up and down "my hand is wet" type motion whenever he repeats this word.

So we've been saying for a WHILE now that he would start talking soon, and now it has been two months, and we were mostly stuck with "Hi! Hi! Hi!" all day long. We have been encouraging further development in this area, and I in particular have been pushing for one certain word "MaMa". I repeat it to him dozens of times a day, and he smiles at me or tells me "Hi!" very politely. He in no way says "MaMa" back or anything you could mistake for that word.

Last week, his verbal skills started improving almost daily. He will say Ball if he sees one (Baaaa), and after many dropped items off the side of his high chair tray, he'll say another favorite, Uh-Oh (uh-aaaaaaaa). He will also say "Thank You" (Da-uuuuu) and EVEN in correct context.

After this weekend of visiting grandparents in San Antonio, he has taken up another word, "PaPa". How much farther from PAPA is MAMA? So I have upped my attempts to repeating it about 100 times a day. Still, nothing.

Oh, I know they say that the "M" is one of the hardest sounds for them to make, but I'm just not really buying it. I think he can just tell I want him to say that, so he doesn't. Typical male, especially in my house.

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