Monday, August 25, 2008

Haircuts and the Marble Slab Boy

We took the kids to get haircuts (hairy-cuts in Jack speak) yesterday. Sam has never had one, and he has beautiful hair, it was long and curly in the back and we loved it. I am sort of almost tearing up writing about it, seriously. BUT MOVING ON. We decided it had to get cut because I was starting to get "She is so pretty" about three times a day and I was starting to feel a little guilty. I wanted to keep the back and just cut his bangs out of his eyes, but Keith thought that would look like a mullet. So the compromise is to just get it cut all over but try to salvage some of the curls in the back. Let's just say that of course that didn't really happen. He has a haircut, and not only are the curls pretty much gone, he probably looks even more like a girl with the current haircut. When our camera isn't still lost from the move I'll put some pictures on here.

So, it was a bust all around and we should have tried to just do it at home but oh well. Hair grows back. For some reason, this was the hardest rite of passage from baby to toddler for me with both of my boys, getting their haircut. Seems crazy.

Jack actually got a really decent haircut and we told him if he was good he could get ice cream. So we walked down to marble slab and after a slight mishap of me not watching where I was going and running full speed into a huge brick island in the sidewalk and busting open both my shins AND almost dropping Sam, we were in Marble Slab.

The kid that worked there we'll call Chatty Cathy. He talked so much it was insane.

"So, Okinawa [seeing my t-shirt] did you go there or do you just have the shirt?"

"Yeah, we lived there for three years."

"Oh, I was born there but I only lived there for a small amount of time. My father was in the military. Then we moved back. I have never been there since."

"Well, it is a really neat place, you should visit sometime."

"Well, I'm not Japanese, I'm Filipino."

"That's okay, they'll still let you in."


Keith orders his ice cream. I am sitting down with Sam and he is whining begging for ice cream between bites.

Chatty Cathy: "Dude, when I hear kids cry, it just makes me never want to have kids."

Keith: "Well, this is nothing, they are actually being really good right now."

Chatty Cathy: "Well, at least this big one seems really well behaved."

Keith: "You have no idea."

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