Saturday, February 14, 2009


Driving to Target, here is the volley of spelling game questions between me and Jack:

A: "How do you spell 'Red'?"

J: R-E-D

J: "How do you spell 'Chopsticks'?"

A: C-H-O-P-S-T-I-C-K-S

A: "How do you spell 'Nana'?"

J: N-A-N-A

J: "How do you spell 'Tactic?'"

A: T-A-C-T-I-C

A: "How do you spell 'Dog'?"

J: D-O-G

J: "How do you spell 'Northern Mariana Islands'?"

Seriously, are you freaking kidding me? How does he come up with this stuff?


Aziletx said...

You had me at "tactic"!!! (Liked "Nana", though)

MC said...

I need that boy in my life. Will you please move to Colorado? Can I be your nanny?