Sam talks SO MUCH now. He repeats absolutely anything you say. He also calls all adult food "chicky" as in chicken. Anything Keith and I are eating, he will come to our plate, say "Ooooh, chicky" no matter what it is. (That is another thing he does, preface EVERYTHING he says with OOOOOOOOOH, like Oooooooh airplane, oooooooooh car, ooooooooooh truck). Mostly he wants nothing to do with any of this "chicky" even though we offer it to him (he subscribes more to the Jack theory of eating which involves no meat nor vegetables and all dairy, fruit, and carbs). So, today I was eating a breadstick and I asked him if he wanted some. He said yes so I passed him one in his carseat.
"Oooooooooh. Mommy. Hot Chicky! "
Sam is absolutely obsessed with muffins. It is all he EVER WANTS IN LIFE. He wakes up and says "Hi mommy! Chocky milk? Muffins?" This morning he went and sprawled down in front of the pantry door after I told him that we didn't have any more muffins and cried "MUFFFFFFINS!!!" for like five minutes. I would have to make muffins all day to satisfy his craving for them, because he asks for him at least five times a day.
Sam is also in the phase where he is totally obsessed with books and reading. Jack went through this same phase at about this age. Books are constantly strewn all about our house. He will randomly go into his room, get several bring them to me, and shove them in my face. Then he says "READ! READ!" You get about a five second window and if you have not begun in that allotted time frame he will throw them in your face and start crying "READ!!!!!!!!!!!" It is very frantic. I don't mind so much, since I have brown bear and I Like Trucks memorized. But forget trying to finish an email or do dishes if he gets gripped with the craving for Opposites or any of his menagerie of favorites. You must stop and comply NOW or you will get a board book to the face.
The other night Keith had just gotten home from work and we were all outside playing. Jack is walking out of the garage with a hammer.
"Hey daddy! Look! A bitch hammer!"
Keith, a little surprised, says "A what?"
"A bitch hammer!"
Keith, not wanting to say WHAT!?!?!? again and call more attention to it, just says "Well, Jack, that is not a very nice word, we don't say that, we'll have to call it a something else hammer."
Jack, completely non-plussed, says to him, "Okay, daddy, we'll call it a Wizzy Hammer!"
We still have no idea where that came from exactly nor if he was actually referring to the curse word.
We are walking through the monkey house in the Columbia zoo. Jack is walking a little in front of me and this recording of a monkey going "Oooh ooh, ahh ahha ahh" goes over the loudspeaker. He turns to me and says:
"Good heavens mommy! That really FRIGHTened me!"
He really talks like a 60 year old woman sometimes.